Grant Cochrane


Grant Cochrane & Mark Vayro

Pictured: Grant Cochrane & Mark Vayro (Achmea Farm Insurance Queensland Business Development Manager).

Grant Cochrane, Stockleigh QLD

Grant Cochrane is a free-range broiler chicken farmer located in Stockleigh, South-East of Brisbane working alongside Achmea Farm Insurance Queensland Business Development Manager, Mark Vayro and the broader team at Achmea Farm Insurance.

“Mark is very in tune with how a farm runs and the risk areas for farms, in terms of insurance. So, you don’t have to go through the process of trying to explain elements of your business to him.”

Grant found himself on the claims side of insurance when a storm hit his farm in December 2023.

“With Achmea, it’s good to be able to pick up the phone and know who you’re going to be speaking to. Achmea responds to claims quickly and professionally and they take a lot of the hassle out of the claims process. In December 2023 we had a storm, which the weather bureau called a tornado. Our farm was just on the edge of it, and we had a big tree come down on top of our ute. Our claim was handled quickly, supportively, and positively.” Grant said.

Reflecting further on the personal service we offer, Grant explains:

“It’s been extremely helpful to draw on Mark’s experience, firstly as a farmer himself, and secondly as a Achmea client relationship manager who sees a lot of agricultural businesses. Mark’s support has been essential in helping us to make the best insurance decisions for our business. At the end of the day, what we insure is our decision, but we are able to make more informed decisions with Mark’s valuable support. Whether that’s face-to face-through regular visits to our farm or over the phone, as he’s always available to talk to.”

For Grant, working alongside people that understand his business is extremely valuable:

“Mark is very good at building relationships he knows our business. You don’t have to explain your business to a fresh face every time and this saves a lot of time and energy, and it’s very efficient. Mark is genuinely interested in our business and what we do. He’s constantly thinking about ideas for us, in terms of helping us mitigate risk.”

“We’ve never had better service from anyone.”

Grant Cochrane, Stockleigh QLD